Test ques­ti­ons

The ques­ti­ons for the IHK expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on are pro­tec­ted by copy­right and may not be published. Howe­ver, the test ques­ti­ons on this page are simi­lar to the ori­gi­nal exam ques­ti­ons. Use the fol­lo­wing prac­ti­ce ques­ti­ons to test your know­ledge of the §34a secu­ri­ty exper­ti­se exami­na­ti­on. You can find even more ques­ti­ons to prac­ti­ce with at www.sachkun.de

30 Stim­men, 4.6 Ø

Check your 34a knowledge!

1 / 22

What is the “prin­ci­ple of legality” ?

2 / 22

When is the­re a non-genui­ne offence of omission?

3 / 22

Which of the fol­lo­wing aspects are regu­la­ted in the guar­ding ordinance?

4 / 22

With which qualification(s) may one work as a shop or depart­ment stores’ detective?

5 / 22

Are the fun­da­men­tal rights from the Basic Law also appli­ca­ble to secu­ri­ty staff vis-à-vis other citizens?

6 / 22

To which of the fol­lo­wing cases does the GDPR apply?

7 / 22

A per­son who arrests ano­ther under sec­tion 127 of the Code of Cri­mi­nal Pro­ce­du­re does not act unlawful­ly if…

8 / 22

The poli­ce…

9 / 22

Which statement(s) about the pos­ses­so­ry ser­vant is/are correct?

10 / 22

What must be ful­fil­led if you want to beco­me a self-employ­ed secu­ri­ty contractor?

11 / 22

What is meant by inter­fe­rence with possession?

12 / 22

Which of the fol­lo­wing acts (examp­les) are con­side­red crimes?

13 / 22

What rights does a data sub­ject have in data protection?

14 / 22

When is a guar­ding trade pur­su­ant to § 34a GewO?

15 / 22

Is the sta­te allo­wed to inter­fe­re with citi­zens’ liber­ties gua­ran­teed by the Basic Law?

16 / 22

What does gene­ral self-help (accor­ding to § 229 BGB) allow under cer­tain circumstances?

17 / 22

Which of the fol­lo­wing parts does the Cri­mi­nal Code con­sist of?

18 / 22

What does the obli­ga­ti­on to pay dama­ges (accor­ding to § 823 BGB) mean?

19 / 22

What has to be taken into account in the case of video sur­veil­lan­ce by pri­va­te bodies?

20 / 22

A par­ty guest pun­ches a secu­ri­ty guard in the face with his fist during access con­trol becau­se he feels dis­cri­mi­na­ted against. The employee on one eye per­ma­nent­ly loses his visi­on.
How do you clas­si­fy the facts of the case in terms of cri­mi­nal law?

21 / 22

Which of the fol­lo­wing jus­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons can be found in the BGB?

22 / 22

When is the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data permissible?

Dein Ergeb­nis ist


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