bzr appr­oval

ForumCate­go­ry: Sons­ti­gesbzr appr­oval
Toni asked 1 year ago

Hel­lo, I am curr­ent­ly doing the 34a GewO. I was sen­ten­ced to pro­ba­ti­on 12 years ago for a resi­den­ti­al burgla­ry and a few minor things… My cri­mi­nal record is clean and not­hing has hap­pen­ed sin­ce… What about the cri­mi­nal record check and could it be that I won’t get a licence? Mfg

1 Ans­wers
Exper­ti­se 34a Staff ans­we­red 1 year ago

Sin­ce 2017, resi­den­ti­al burgla­ry is no lon­ger a mis­de­me­anour, but is now con­side­red a fel­o­ny. This means that this offence is now clas­si­fied more strict­ly and car­ri­es a sen­tence of at least one year.

Howe­ver, the offence you com­mit­ted was com­mit­ted some time ago and not­hing has hap­pen­ed sin­ce then. This means that — also depen­ding on how long you were on pro­ba­ti­on — the ent­ry should have been dele­ted seve­ral years ago, if con­tra­ry to expec­ta­ti­ons it has not, but at least it should no lon­ger have any rele­van­ce. Rele­vant in this regard is § 34 BZRG.

Howe­ver, I am not a lawy­er and can­not and must not give legal advice at this point. 
The final decis­i­on is made by the local aut­ho­ri­ty respon­si­ble for the guar­ding at the employer’s place of business.
In prin­ci­ple, I per­so­nal­ly assu­me — on the basis of the infor­ma­ti­on you have pro­vi­ded — that the­re will be no problems.
