Exami­na­ti­on procedure

What is the exam day like?

Part 1: Writ­ten exami­na­ti­on (mul­ti­ple choice test to tick off)
Part 2: Oral exami­na­ti­on (ans­wer ques­ti­ons free­ly in front of the exami­na­ti­on board)

The exami­na­ti­on starts in the mor­ning, usual­ly bet­ween 8:30 and 9:00 a.m., with the writ­ten part. Plea­se note the infor­ma­ti­on on your invi­ta­ti­on let­ter and be the­re in good time. Any delays will be at your expen­se. Plea­se take your invi­ta­ti­on let­ter, a valid iden­ti­ty docu­ment and a wri­ting uten­sil (e.g. biros) with you to the exami­na­ti­on. Aids such as ency­clo­paed­i­as, text­books or simi­lar are not per­mit­ted. not per­mit­ted.
Fol­low the ins­truc­tions of the exami­na­ti­on board and get yours­elf “rea­dy to go”. If you do not feel ful­ly fit befo­re the start of the exami­na­ti­on, you still have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to with­draw from the exami­na­ti­on. The exami­na­ti­on will then be con­side­red as “not taken”. You also have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to express any reser­va­tions you may have about cer­tain exami­ners in advan­ce (e.g. due to bias). The­se will be recor­ded and may result in you being offe­red ano­ther exami­na­ti­on date wit­hout the “offen­ding exami­ner”. Plea­se note: Chea­ting and gross dis­rup­ti­ons lead to exclu­si­on from the exami­na­ti­on. The exami­na­ti­on is then dee­med to have been “fai­led”.
You have 120 minu­tes to com­ple­te the 72 ques­ti­ons (“mul­ti­ple choice”) in the writ­ten exami­na­ti­on. Read the ques­ti­ons and the dif­fe­rent ans­wer opti­ons careful­ly and mark the cor­rect ans­wers by ticking them on the sepa­ra­te ans­wer sheet.
If you have pas­sed the writ­ten exami­na­ti­on, you will recei­ve a con­fir­ma­ti­on of this and will be admit­ted to the oral exami­na­ti­on. If you did not score enough points in this first part of the exami­na­ti­on, the exami­na­ti­on day is over for you at this point and you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to prepa­re bet­ter for the next exami­na­ti­on date. Sin­ce the eva­lua­ti­on of the writ­ten mul­ti­ple-choice exami­na­ti­on by means of tem­pla­tes usual­ly takes place quite quick­ly, the sub­se­quent oral exami­na­ti­on can take place prompt­ly after­wards, often on the same day or the day after. Howe­ver, this varies from IHK to IHK and also depends on the num­ber of exami­na­ti­on participants.
Go to oral exami­na­ti­on you will be asked to appear befo­re an exami­na­ti­on board, eit­her indi­vi­du­al­ly or in a group. The exami­na­ti­on board must con­sist of at least three mem­bers who have the rele­vant exper­ti­se, are per­so­nal­ly sui­ta­ble and will ques­ti­on you about the sub­ject mat­ter in accordance with the exami­na­ti­on regu­la­ti­ons. The dura­ti­on of the oral exami­na­ti­on should be appro­xi­m­ate­ly 15 minu­tes per per­son. The ques­ti­ons are often asked in a prac­ti­cal man­ner as case stu­dies. The main focus is on “law” and “deal­ing with peo­p­le”. For­mu­la­te your ans­wers thoughtful­ly and cle­ar­ly in German!
After the end of the oral exami­na­ti­on, the board reti­res brief­ly for deli­be­ra­ti­on. If you have also ans­we­red at least 50% of the ques­ti­ons cor­rect­ly in the oral exami­na­ti­on, you have pas­sed the exami­na­ti­on. The exami­na­ti­on com­mit­tee deci­des by majo­ri­ty vote whe­ther you have pas­sed or fai­led the exami­na­ti­on. You will be infor­med of your result imme­dia­te­ly after the deli­be­ra­ti­ons. The exami­na­ti­on cer­ti­fi­ca­te as writ­ten pro­of of your exper­ti­se (accor­ding to § 34a GewO) will be sent to you by post a few days later!

By the way, the exami­na­ti­on is a non-public event. All exami­ners are sworn to sec­re­cy about the con­tent and cour­se of the event. So you don’t need to be afraid. Even though an exam is not an ever­y­day situa­ti­on: Try to appear com­pe­tent and con­fi­dent! But never be “know-it-all” and always avo­id lec­tu­ring the exami­ners or asking them questions.

How is it asses­sed? When does one fail the exami­na­ti­on? When does one have the “34a licence?”


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