Flash­cards / index cards

Prepa­re with paper maps or via app

Lear­ning boxes with paper flash­cards have the advan­ta­ge that you can take them with you ever­y­whe­re and do not have to rely on tech­ni­cal devices (com­pu­ter, smart­phone, tablet, etc.) or inter­net recep­ti­on. Cards with lear­ning con­tent that you alre­a­dy know need to be repea­ted less often. This lear­ning sys­tem makes effi­ci­ent lear­ning pos­si­ble. Howe­ver, flash­cards are also available digi­tal­ly as an app and online via the brow­ser. This allows you to learn in the same way on your PC or mobi­le on your smartphone.


Hint: Pri­ces may have chan­ged sin­ce the time of rese­arch. Plea­se note the infor­ma­ti­on on the lin­ked shop page!


Exclu­si­ve tips on how to pass the exam easily

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Exclu­si­ve tips on how to pass the exam easily

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