Topics & Contents

Exam mate­ri­al

What do I need to know for the exam?

The con­tents of the exami­na­ti­on result from § 7 i.V.m. Annex 2 and § 9 of the Guar­ding Ordi­nan­ce (BewachV).
Accor­din­gly, the fol­lo­wing sub­ject are­as are the sub­ject of the exami­na­ti­on (requi­re­ments):

  1. Law of public safe­ty and order inclu­ding trade law
  2. Data pro­tec­tion law
  3. Civil Code
  4. Cri­mi­nal law and cri­mi­nal pro­ce­du­re, hand­ling weapons
  5. Acci­dent Pre­ven­ti­on Regu­la­ti­ons for Secu­ri­ty and Safe­ty Services
  6. Deal­ing with peo­p­le, espe­ci­al­ly beha­viour in dan­ge­rous situa­tions and de-escala­ti­on tech­ni­ques in con­flict situa­tions as well as inter­cul­tu­ral com­pe­tence with spe­cial atten­ti­on to diver­si­ty and social variety
  7. Basic prin­ci­ples of safe­ty engineering

The con­tents may be more detail­ed or sub­di­vi­ded dif­fer­ent­ly in the cur­ri­cu­la of the CET pro­vi­ders or in rele­vant spe­cia­list lite­ra­tu­re, but must include all the abo­ve-men­tio­ned topics.

Ans­wer test ques­ti­ons now…

What exact­ly will be cover­ed in the writ­ten exam?

From time to time, the Cham­ber of Indus­try and Com­mer­ce con­ve­nes an “exami­na­ti­on pre­pa­ra­ti­on com­mit­tee”. This com­mit­tee crea­tes ques­ti­ons that end up in a pool that all the indi­vi­du­al cham­bers of indus­try and com­mer­ce nati­on­wi­de draw on. Sin­ce the ques­ti­on cata­lo­gue is con­stant­ly being expan­ded, the­re are hundreds, if not thou­sands of ques­ti­ons in it. The ques­ti­ons are not made public. Fur­ther­mo­re, the copy­right to the­se ques­ti­ons is held sole­ly by the (D)IHK. The ori­gi­nal ques­ti­ons may the­r­e­fo­re not be published 1:1 and used for pre­pa­ra­ti­on. And even so, it is hard­ly pos­si­ble and cer­tain­ly not sen­si­ble to learn ever­y­thing by heart. It is the “under­stan­ding” that counts!
Sin­ce the exam ques­ti­ons are some­ti­mes quite “tri­cky”, it makes sen­se to prac­ti­se with exam-like ques­ti­ons in advan­ce. As far as the ques­ti­ons and ans­wer opti­ons are con­cer­ned, you can also use the Lear­ning tips in the chap­ter Pre­pa­ra­ti­on help on!

Are all ques­ti­ons weigh­ted equally?

No! The mar­king in the writ­ten exami­na­ti­on is dif­fe­rent. For exam­p­le, cer­tain chap­ters are weigh­ted more hea­vi­ly than others. The num­ber of ques­ti­ons per exami­na­ti­on topic is also different!
The num­ber of ques­ti­ons and weight­ing in the writ­ten exami­na­ti­on is as follows:

  1. Law of public safe­ty and order
    ” 4 ques­ti­ons with 8 points to be achieved
  2. Trade Law
    ” 4 ques­ti­ons with 4 points to be achieved
  3. Data pro­tec­tion law
    ” 4 ques­ti­ons with 4 points to be achieved
  4. Civil Code
    ” 12 ques­ti­ons with 24 points to be achieved
  5. Cri­mi­nal law and cri­mi­nal procedure
    ” 12 ques­ti­ons with 24 points to be achieved
  6. Hand­ling weapons
    ” 4 ques­ti­ons with 4 points to be achieved
  7. Acci­dent pre­ven­ti­on regu­la­ti­ons for guard and secu­ri­ty services
    ” 8 ques­ti­ons with 8 points to be achieved
  8. Deal­ing with people
    ” 16 ques­ti­ons with 16 points to be achieved
  9. Basic prin­ci­ples of safe­ty engineering
    ” 8 ques­ti­ons with 8 points to be achieved

What will I be asked in the oral examination?

In prin­ci­ple, all topics that can be cover­ed in the writ­ten exami­na­ti­on are also rele­vant for the oral part of the exami­na­ti­on. Howe­ver, the­re are focal points which should be dealt with more inten­si­ve­ly in the oral examination:

The­se focal points make up approx. 2/3 of the total exami­na­ti­on. The dura­ti­on of the oral exami­na­ti­on should be appro­xi­m­ate­ly 15 minu­tes. You can be ques­tio­ned as an indi­vi­du­al in front of the exami­na­ti­on board, or in a group with up to 5 exami­nees tog­e­ther. What exact­ly is asked in the oral exami­na­ti­on, howe­ver, depends on the respec­ti­ve exami­na­ti­on board and also on the “hob­by­hor­se” of the indi­vi­du­al exami­ner. Often the ques­ti­ons are asked as case stu­dies as they might occur in prac­ti­ce. You are then asked to descri­be and jus­ti­fy your reac­tion and the cor­rect beha­viour. You may be asked how you legal­ly assess a situa­ti­on and your actions.
If you fail the oral exami­na­ti­on, it can be repea­ted indi­vi­du­al­ly wit­hout having to repeat the writ­ten exami­na­ti­on you have alre­a­dy suc­cessful­ly taken. You can find more on this in the Chap­ter Repe­ti­ti­on.

In the next chap­ter, you will find out how you can regis­ter for the expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on accor­ding to § 34a GewO (secu­ri­ty indus­try) at the IHK!


Exclu­si­ve tips on how to pass the exam easily

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Exclu­si­ve tips on how to pass the exam easily

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