
34a ques­ti­ons

Memo­ri­sing exam ques­ti­ons and ans­wers: Is that enough to pass the 34a exam?

Memorising exam questions and answers: Is that enough to pass the 34a exam?

The expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on in the guar­ding trade accor­ding to § 34a of the Trade, Com­mer­ce and Indus­try Regu­la­ti­on Act (Gewer­be­ord­nung) is an important pre­re­qui­si­te for ente­ring the pro­fes­si­on in this field. It is inten­ded to ensu­re that appli­cants have the neces­sa­ry know­ledge to gua­ran­tee the safe­ty of peo­p­le and the pro­tec­tion of property.
In this con­text, the ques­ti­on ari­ses whe­ther it makes sen­se to just learn all pos­si­ble exam ques­ti­ons and ans­wers by heart wit­hout del­ving deeper into the con­tent of the exam.

Exam ques­ti­ons: Theo­ry and practice

No ques­ti­on — lear­ning with 34a exam ques­ti­ons offers many advan­ta­ges. Pure memo­ri­sa­ti­on of exam ques­ti­ons and ans­wers is not a sui­ta­ble pre­pa­ra­ti­on method in this con­text, as the exam may also include situa­tio­nal ques­ti­ons. This is espe­ci­al­ly the case in the oral part of the exam. In addi­ti­on, it is important to under­stand the con­nec­tions bet­ween dif­fe­rent sub­ject are­as and to be able to app­ly them to con­cre­te prac­ti­cal cases. Super­fi­ci­al pre­pa­ra­ti­on may lead to some can­di­da­tes pas­sing the exam but not being able to app­ly their know­ledge in prac­ti­ce. As a rule, howe­ver, pas­sing the exam also beco­mes a chall­enge if one only lear­ns by heart and has not gai­ned a real under­stan­ding of the contents.


Fur­ther­mo­re, it is important not only to know the legal basics and the rele­vant regu­la­ti­ons, but also to under­stand the psy­cho­lo­gi­cal and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ve aspects of the pro­fes­si­on. After all, pri­va­te secu­ri­ty guards must not only reco­g­ni­se and ward off dan­gers, but also be able to app­ly de-escala­ti­on tech­ni­ques and deal with dif­fi­cult situa­tions. This also includes com­mu­ni­ca­ting effec­tively and resol­ving con­flicts. Of cour­se, it is not only the lear­ning con­tent that plays a role here, but abo­ve all pro­fes­sio­nal expe­ri­ence and the pas­sing on of expe­ri­ence, e.g. within the frame­work of a pre­pa­ra­to­ry cour­se or in exch­an­ge with expe­ri­en­ced col­le­agues. Inci­den­tal­ly, the­re is a focus on the legal topics of the 34a pro­fes­sio­nal qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on exami­na­ti­on. Topics such as cri­mi­nal law or civil law are Weigh­ted twice in the writ­ten exami­na­ti­on. One should not lea­ve any points lying around light­ly by under­stan­ding the legal mat­ter here, not to men­ti­on the risks of legal igno­rance when later working in the secu­ri­ty service.

Under­stan­ding the con­tents of the examination

Exam can­di­da­tes should enga­ge inten­si­ve­ly with the con­tent of the exam and try to gain a deeper under­stan­ding. They should not only deal with the facts, but also with the con­texts and the mea­ning of what they have lear­ned. One way to do this is to talk to other peo­p­le who are also pre­pa­ring for the exam or are alre­a­dy working in the indus­try. Prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence can also help to deepen under­stan­ding and app­ly what has been lear­ned. Gene­ral­ly recom­men­ded are Books, online cour­ses and class­room trai­ningThe cour­se is desi­gned to pro­vi­de a con­text and not to work exclu­si­ve­ly with test ques­ti­ons and solu­ti­ons. Expl­ana­ti­ons based on case stu­dies can make a signi­fi­cant con­tri­bu­ti­on to under­stan­ding, espe­ci­al­ly legal topics.


In sum­ma­ry, it does not make sen­se to just memo­ri­se all pos­si­ble exam ques­ti­ons and ans­wers wit­hout del­ving deeper into the con­tent of the exam. Ins­tead, can­di­da­tes should deal inten­si­ve­ly with the con­tents of the exam and try to gain a deeper under­stan­ding. This can help them not only to pass the exam but also to be able to app­ly their know­ledge in prac­ti­ce and to work suc­cessful­ly in the pri­va­te secu­ri­ty industry.

Vou­ch­er code: 10% Dis­count on Sach­kun­de pre­pa­ra­ti­on with

Voucher code: 10% Discount on Sachkunde preparation with

The lear­ning plat­form is one of the best-known online offers for 34a pre­pa­ra­ti­on. The plat­form with e‑learning, test ques­ti­ons, mock exams and online help has been around sin­ce 2005, and more than 10,000 peo­p­le have used it to prepa­re online for the 34a examination.

New: 2.0

Recent­ly, eLear­ning at was com­ple­te­ly rede­si­gned. More than 1,000 exam-rela­ted test ques­ti­ons, goal-ori­en­ted lear­ning texts, ins­truc­tion­al vide­os and even weekly live online semi­nars now await lear­ners. The 34a pre­pa­ra­ti­on is available in three dif­fe­rent ver­si­ons: Clas­sic, Pro and VIP. Tho­se who book VIP also have access to a Whats­App group in which they can ask ques­ti­ons and exch­an­ge infor­ma­ti­on with other Sach­kun­de lear­ners. What is new is that the pre­pa­ra­ti­on now runs com­ple­te­ly via a con­ve­ni­ent mobi­le pho­ne app in which you can learn with 34a ques­ti­ons around the clock, i.e. 24/7 — depen­ding on the tariff for 30, 60 or even 100 days. 

Cou­pon code for

With the vou­ch­er code SK10YT you curr­ent­ly get 10% Dis­count on all tariffs.
Click here to go direct­ly to the Offer on

About exper­ti­se preparation is cer­tain­ly not the che­a­pest pro­vi­der on the mar­ket, but it has pro­ven its­elf for years. The posi­ti­ve reviews on the net speak for the qua­li­ty of the plat­form. This is also ensu­red by the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons of the ope­ra­tors of the 34a lear­ning plat­form around Jörg Zitz­mann. It should also be noted that the exam-rela­ted ques­ti­ons and con­den­sed lear­ning texts make it pos­si­ble to prepa­re for the IHK exam very effi­ci­ent­ly, i.e. in a par­ti­cu­lar­ly time-saving man­ner. If ques­ti­ons of under­stan­ding remain unans­we­red, a lec­tu­rer is available — depen­ding on the tariff — in the weekly video ses­si­on or addi­tio­nal­ly also in the Whats­App 34a lear­ning group. This ensu­res that par­ti­ci­pan­ts’ ques­ti­ons are always ans­we­red — as in a face-to-face cour­se — and that all con­tent is unders­tood. With pri­ces rough­ly bet­ween 1.80 and 3.00 euros per day (as of 5 March 2023), the pri­ce-per­for­mance ratio is very reasonable. The money-back gua­ran­tee, which takes effect if you fail the 34a exam seve­ral times despi­te pre­pa­ra­ti­on, also con­tri­bu­tes to security.

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