
Who does not need to pass an examination?

Who does not need to pass an examination?

Only secu­ri­ty staff requi­re a com­pe­tence exami­na­ti­on, which is spe­cial guar­ding acti­vi­ties accor­ding to § 34a GewO or wish to set up their own secu­ri­ty com­pa­ny. The acti­vi­ties that may only be car­ri­ed out with the 34a licence include, in par­ti­cu­lar, guar­ding in public are­as, at admis­si­on are­as or in various secu­ri­ty acti­vi­ties in a mana­ge­ri­al posi­ti­on: More here.
Howe­ver, even if you want to car­ry out an acti­vi­ty for which the suc­cessful pas­sing of a cer­ti­fi­ca­te of com­pe­tence exami­na­ti­on is actual­ly man­da­to­ry, the­re are cer­tain excep­ti­ons. Not all per­sons need the cer­ti­fi­ca­te of com­pe­tence, even if they car­ry out regu­la­ted guar­ding acti­vi­ties or are self-employ­ed as a secu­ri­ty con­trac­tor with their own secu­ri­ty company.

Who is exempt from the 34a examination…

Basi­cal­ly appli­es: Anyo­ne who has com­ple­ted a hig­her-level trai­ning or fur­ther trai­ning with a reco­g­nis­ed (IHK) qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on in the secu­ri­ty indus­try does not need an addi­tio­nal cer­ti­fi­ca­te of competence!

But be careful! The­re are a few more pit­falls. Here are the details on the exemp­ti­on from the expert know­ledge examination:

A per­son is exempt from the expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on if he…

…has suc­cessful­ly pas­sed the cor­re­spon­ding final exami­na­ti­on. Pro­of of this can be pro­vi­ded by pre­sen­ting the respec­ti­ve exami­na­ti­on certificate.

I have suc­cessful­ly com­ple­ted the so-cal­led “plant secu­ri­ty cour­ses”. Is this the same as the exami­na­ti­on for expert knowledge?

No! The fac­to­ry secu­ri­ty cour­ses (fac­to­ry secu­ri­ty cour­se 1–2 or 1–4) are — wit­hout suc­cessful­ly pas­sing the exami­na­ti­on to beco­me a fac­to­ry secu­ri­ty spe­cia­list — not equi­va­lent! You need the expert exami­na­ti­on. In addi­ti­on, the IHK works pro­tec­tion spe­cia­list exami­na­ti­on is no lon­ger offered. 

I was in the armed forces. Do I still have to take the examination?

Basi­cal­ly alre­a­dy. Cau­ti­on is advi­sed here: As a per­son doing basic mili­ta­ry ser­vice, a tem­po­ra­ry sol­dier or a pro­fes­sio­nal sol­dier, you have to take the expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on — regard­less of whe­ther you are curr­ent­ly obli­ged to be a sol­dier or not — if you (addi­tio­nal­ly) want to work in the pri­va­te secu­ri­ty sec­tor and per­form the cor­re­spon­ding guar­ding tasks. The only excep­ti­on is for mili­ta­ry poli­ce, i.e. the mili­ta­ry poli­ce of the Ger­man Armed Forces. Mili­ta­ry poli­ce offi­cers are exempt from the expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on, as mili­ta­ry poli­ce offi­cers have acqui­red a lar­ge part of the know­ledge requi­red in the expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on during their trai­ning cour­ses. Mili­ta­ry poli­ce offi­cers or ser­geants, for exam­p­le, do not need to take a Cham­ber of Indus­try and Com­mer­ce (IHK) exami­na­ti­on; the pro­of is pro­vi­ded by the Bundeswehr’s trai­ning or ser­vice record. All other sol­diers must acqui­re the 34a certificate.

Do I need a cer­ti­fi­ca­te of com­pe­tence as a poli­ce officer?

The­re are excep­ti­ons both for poli­ce offi­cers at sta­te level (Land poli­ce) and at fede­ral level (Bun­des­po­li­zei). By the way, the same appli­es to employees in the cor­rec­tion­al ser­vice and to the wea­pons-car­ry­ing area of the cus­toms ser­vice. It is important to note that the obli­ga­ti­on to take the exami­na­ti­on is only wai­ved if you work in law enforce­ment and have suc­cessful­ly com­ple­ted the cor­re­spon­ding care­er exami­na­ti­on — at least for the inter­me­dia­te ser­vice. Poli­ce offi­cers who work as civil ser­vants in the poli­ce enforce­ment ser­vice the­r­e­fo­re do not need a cer­ti­fi­ca­te of com­pe­tence. Many poli­ce offi­cers earn extra money pri­va­te­ly, e.g. as door­men. Espe­ci­al­ly in conur­ba­ti­ons whe­re life is expen­si­ve, such as Munich, Stutt­gart, Frank­furt, Ham­burg, Ber­lin or Düs­sel­dorf, a part-time job in a secu­ri­ty com­pa­ny is a good way to earn extra money. Tip on the side: Make sure that you inform your (main) employ­er about your side job and ide­al­ly have it appro­ved in writing.

I stu­di­ed law, have an LL.B. or a sta­te law degree. Do I real­ly still need to take the expert know­ledge examination?

It’s hard to belie­ve: but of cour­se, a (part-time) job in the secu­ri­ty indus­try can also be inte­res­t­ing for pro­s­pec­ti­ve lawy­ers, be it to finan­ce their stu­dies or to gain impres­si­ons of the indus­try. Of cour­se: In the field of law (public safe­ty and order, trade law, data pro­tec­tion law, cri­mi­nal law and cri­mi­nal pro­ce­du­re law, civil code, code of cri­mi­nal pro­ce­du­re, etc.) law gra­dua­tes are alre­a­dy fit. That’s why you only need to catch up on the topics of acci­dent pre­ven­ti­on in the secu­ri­ty indus­try (UVV, DGUV regu­la­ti­on 23), deal­ing with peo­p­le and the basics of secu­ri­ty tech­no­lo­gy. A cer­ti­fi­ca­te of par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the IHK ins­truc­tion pro­ce­du­re ser­ves as pro­of of this. Tog­e­ther with a cer­ti­fi­ca­te of suc­cessful com­ple­ti­on of a law degree at a uni­ver­si­ty or aca­de­my that awards a degree equi­va­lent to a uni­ver­si­ty degree, no addi­tio­nal com­ple­ti­on of the expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on pur­su­ant to §34a GewO is required.

I have been working as a secu­ri­ty guard for many years. Is work expe­ri­ence not enough recognition?

No, not nor­mal­ly! Howe­ver, the­re are cer­tain tran­si­tio­nal arran­ge­ments for “vete­ran” secu­ri­ty workers. Employees in the pri­va­te secu­ri­ty sec­tor who have par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the requi­red trai­ning sin­ce 1 April 1996 or who were alre­a­dy working in the secu­ri­ty sec­tor befo­re 31 March 1996 and were pre­vious­ly exempt from trai­ning due to this cut-off date regu­la­ti­on are, so to speak, “grand­fa­the­red”. Atten­ti­on: This exemp­ti­on may only be invo­ked if it can be shown that the guar­ding acti­vi­ty was unin­ter­rupt­ed for at least three years befo­re the cut-off date of 1 Janu­ary 2003. For all others who have only been acti­ve in the secu­ri­ty indus­try sin­ce 2003, such exemp­ti­ons do not app­ly.
So it is com­pli­ca­ted! My tip: It is bet­ter to invest in taking the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on exami­na­ti­on and bene­fit from a “know­ledge update” even as an expe­ri­en­ced secu­ri­ty employee!

Atten­ti­on: Spe­cial cases!

The­re are some other spe­cial cases, such as the pos­si­ble reco­gni­ti­on of for­eign cer­ti­fi­ca­tes of com­pe­tence. It is also not always clear whe­ther the type of acti­vi­ty to be per­for­med requi­res a qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on exami­na­ti­on at all. If it is a mat­ter of simp­le ste­war­ding acti­vi­ties (e.g. car park ushers) or sim­ply che­cking and tearing off admis­si­on tickets, the­re is usual­ly no need for an expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on, and in some cases not even the ins­truc­tion accor­ding to § 34a GewO. Howe­ver, bor­der­line cases such as super­vi­si­on or secu­ri­ty ser­vices in muse­ums or cer­tain con­stel­la­ti­ons of acti­vi­ties in event pro­tec­tion are some­ti­mes con­tro­ver­si­al. (Such bor­der­line cases are dis­cus­sed again in sepa­ra­te artic­les here on the Info­por­tal).
An important note: To be on the safe side, ask the Cham­ber of Indus­try and Com­mer­ce (IHK) and the com­pe­tent aut­ho­ri­ty whe­ther your qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on is suf­fi­ci­ent or whe­ther you also have to take the IHK exami­na­ti­on accor­ding to § 34a GewO. You will then recei­ve legal­ly secu­re, per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on. If you are new to pri­va­te secu­ri­ty, you are then allo­wed to car­ry out the cor­re­spon­ding acti­vi­ties after your relia­bi­li­ty has been che­cked and you have been assi­gned the guard ID!

What is asked in the examination?

What is asked in the examination?

Exami­na­ti­on topics/contents

The topics of the expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on in the guar­ding trade (§ 34a GewO) are

  1. Law of public safe­ty and order inclu­ding trade law,
  2. Data pro­tec­tion law,
  3. Civil Code,
  4. Cri­mi­nal law and cri­mi­nal pro­ce­du­re, hand­ling weapons,
  5. Acci­dent pre­ven­ti­on regu­la­ti­on for guard and secu­ri­ty services,
  6. Deal­ing with peo­p­le, espe­ci­al­ly beha­viour in dan­ge­rous situa­tions, de-escala­ti­on tech­ni­ques in con­flict situa­tions as well as inter­cul­tu­ral com­pe­tence with spe­cial atten­ti­on to diver­si­ty and social diver­si­ty and
  7. Basic prin­ci­ples of safe­ty engineering.


It is par­ti­cu­lar­ly important for pre­pa­ra­ti­on that some sub­ject are­as count twice. In par­ti­cu­lar the legal con­tents are with regard to the scoring stron­ger weigh­tedname­ly con­cre­te­ly Law of public safe­ty and order, Civil Code and Cri­mi­nal law and cri­mi­nal pro­ce­du­re.

The num­ber of ques­ti­ons and the maxi­mum points to be achie­ved in the overview:

  • Public secu­ri­ty law: 4 ques­ti­ons / 8 points
  • Gewer­be­recht (GewO / BewachV): 4 ques­ti­ons / 4 points
  • Data pro­tec­tion law (BDSG/DSGVO): 4 ques­ti­ons / 4 points
  • Civil Law (BGB): 12 ques­ti­ons / 24 points
  • Cri­mi­nal law / cri­mi­nal pro­ce­du­re law: 12 ques­ti­ons / 24 points
  • Wea­pons Act (WaffG): 4 ques­ti­ons / 4 points
  • Acci­dent pre­ven­ti­on regu­la­ti­ons: 8 ques­ti­ons / 8 points
  • Deal­ing with peo­p­le: 16 ques­ti­ons / 16 points
  • Safe­ty engi­nee­ring: 8 ques­ti­ons / 8 points

Exam ques­ti­ons

When stu­dy­ing, it is best to con­cen­tra­te on exam ques­ti­ons on legal topics. Basic know­ledge is rele­vant here (Basic Law, e.g. sta­te structure/principles) as well as the rele­vant para­graphs from the Cri­mi­nal Code (StGB) and the Civil Code (BGB). Clas­sics are ques­ti­ons on the basic struc­tu­re, legal defi­ni­ti­ons, offen­ces with their cha­rac­te­ristics and offen­ces. You should also place a strong focus on the so-cal­led everyman’s rights (grounds for jus­ti­fi­ca­ti­on and excu­se). In the area of the Code of Cri­mi­nal Pro­ce­du­re (StPO), the pro­vi­sio­nal arrest found in sec­tion 127 is relevant.

Both the writ­ten and oral exami­na­ti­ons cover the topics lis­ted above.
The legal basis is the Sur­veil­lan­ce Ordi­nan­cename­ly § 9 in con­junc­tion with § 7 BewachV. The list of exami­na­ti­on topics or con­tents can be found in Annex 2 of the BewachV.


In this blog of the Sach­kun­de-Info­por­tal, ques­ti­ons are pre­sen­ted again and again that can occur in the exam in this or a simi­lar way.
For more insi­der tips and to stay up to date, you can sub­scri­be to the news­let­ter for free:

What is a 34a examination?

What is a 34a examination?

The expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on accor­ding to § 34a of the Trade, Com­mer­ce and Indus­try Regu­la­ti­on Act is an ent­ry-level qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on for employees in the pri­va­te secu­ri­ty indus­try. It ser­ves as pro­of of basic know­ledge, espe­ci­al­ly with regard to fun­da­men­tal legal aspects rele­vant to working in the guard and secu­ri­ty ser­vice. In addi­ti­on, the suc­cessful­ly pas­sed expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on with pro­of from the Cham­ber of Indus­try and Com­mer­ce is a pre­re­qui­si­te for car­ry­ing out spe­cial guar­ding tasks and being allo­wed to beco­me self-employ­ed as a secu­ri­ty contractor.

A cer­ti­fi­ca­te of com­pe­tence is requi­red for the fol­lo­wing activities

As a secu­ri­ty guard (employee), you need pro­of that you have suc­cessful­ly pas­sed an exami­na­ti­on of com­pe­tence at the Cham­ber of Indus­try and Com­mer­ce (IHK) (accor­ding to § 34a GewO) if you pro­vi­de secu­ri­ty in the ent­rance area of dis­co­the­ques in the hos­pi­ta­li­ty indus­try (boun­cers), pat­rols in public traf­fic are­as (e.g. city pat­rols), pat­rols in are­as with actu­al public traf­fic, acti­vi­ties to pro­tect against shop­lif­ters (depart­ment store or store detec­ti­ves). (e.g. city pat­rols), pat­rols in are­as of the pre­mi­ses with actu­al public traf­fic, acti­vi­ties to pro­tect against shop­lif­ters (shop detec­ti­ves), guar­ding of asyl­um and refu­gee accom­mo­da­ti­on (only in a mana­ge­ri­al capa­ci­ty) as well as guar­ding of lar­ge events with pro­tec­ted access (only in a mana­ge­ri­al capacity).

The pur­po­se of the expert know­ledge examination

Why the­re is the expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on has seve­ral reasons. When pri­va­te indi­vi­du­als — inclu­ding employees of secu­ri­ty com­pa­nies — guard other people’s lives or pro­per­ty, this ent­ails spe­cial duties and a gre­at respon­si­bi­li­ty. As a secu­ri­ty guard, you have to know your rights and the legal limits, i.e. what is allo­wed and what is for­bidden. On the other hand, due to their posi­ti­on as gua­ran­tor, they are obli­ged to pre­vent dama­ge to the cli­ent. In con­trast to the poli­ce, you do not have any spe­cial powers and must the­r­e­fo­re be able to weigh up exact­ly to what ext­ent you are allo­wed to inter­fe­re with the rights of third par­ties in a par­ti­cu­lar situa­ti­on. If you go too far, you run the risk of being char­ged with offen­ces such as depri­va­ti­on of liber­ty or bodi­ly harm. If you sleep on duty and do not com­ply with your duty to pro­tect, you can also end up in court for com­mit­ting an offence by omis­si­on if you cau­se harm. For the­se reasons, among others — lis­ted here as examp­les — it is important to acqui­re the spe­cia­li­sed know­ledge in order to later have the neces­sa­ry con­fi­dence to act in the guar­ding business.

COVID-19 update — IHK spe­cia­list know­ledge examination

COVID-19 update - IHK specialist knowledge examination

In April 2021, in the blog post “Are the­re curr­ent­ly any exami­na­ti­ons at the Cham­ber of Indus­try and Com­mer­ce becau­se of Coro­na?” about the cur­rent sta­te of affairs at that time regar­ding the imple­men­ta­ti­on of IHK pro­fes­sio­nal exami­na­ti­ons. For a while, exams were can­cel­led or post­po­ned. A strict hygie­ne regime applied.
After the back and forth of poli­tics regar­ding covid pro­tec­tion mea­su­res and dif­fe­rent rules, some of which were dif­fi­cult to com­pre­hend fac­tual­ly, a lar­ge part of the pre­vious requi­re­ments have now been repea­led in most fede­ral states.

If you have tes­ted posi­ti­ve for SARS-CoV‑2 and your exami­na­ti­on date is coming up, it is best to enqui­re at the respon­si­ble IHK about the curr­ent­ly pos­si­ble cour­se of action. It is con­ceiva­ble to with­draw from the exam and take it again at a later date or — depen­ding on the fede­ral sta­te — to take it under cer­tain pro­tec­ti­ve measures.

Note: All infor­ma­ti­on is wit­hout gua­ran­tee (as of 20.11.2022). Plea­se note the cur­rent requi­re­ments of the exami­ning IHK or the fede­ral state!

Why do so many par­ti­ci­pan­ts fail the expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on? (§ 34a GewO)

Why do so many participants fail the expert knowledge examination? (§ 34a GewO)

What are the reasons why so many exami­nees fail the Cham­ber of Indus­try and Com­mer­ce (IHK) exami­na­ti­on in the secu­ri­ty industry?

This ques­ti­on is also posed by Jörg Zitz­mann and Kai Delio­mi­ni in the recom­men­da­ble Pod­cast for pro­tec­tion and secu­ri­ty (Video below!).

Both Jörg Zitz­mann as well as Kai Delio­mi­ni are very well known in the pri­va­te secu­ri­ty industry.
Among other things, both are repre­sen­ted in IHK exami­na­ti­on com­mit­tees in the field of pro­tec­tion and secu­ri­ty, are acti­ve as aut­hors of books for the pre­pa­ra­ti­on of the expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on and are repre­sen­ted with many hel­pful vide­os on You­Tube and in podcasts.

Every second or third per­son fails the 34a test!

With not infre­quent fail­ure rates bet­ween 30 and 50%, the ques­ti­on natu­ral­ly ari­ses: What’s the reason?
Some fac­tors for suc­cess or fail­ure are obvious. Some pro­blems can be sol­ved quick­ly and easi­ly, some sim­ply requi­re inten­si­ve lear­ning, prac­ti­ce and per­se­ver­ance. Befo­re I go on to point out what I con­sider to be the main (mis)success fac­tors, here is the very inte­res­t­ing con­ver­sa­ti­on bet­ween Jörg Zitz­mann and Kai Delio­mi­ni on YouTube:

My top 5 reasons why so many peo­p­le fail the writ­ten and oral IHK spe­cia­list know­ledge examination

From my expe­ri­ence, the fol­lo­wing fac­tors are the main reasons for fail­ure with the “34a-licence”:

  1. Lack of moti­va­ti­on / lack of interest
    Many par­ti­ci­pan­ts do not see any added value in the exam. They have no real inte­rest in the con­tent, so they don’t want to learn at all. This is par­ti­cu­lar­ly pro­no­un­ced among peo­p­le who are “sent” by their employ­er or the employ­ment agen­cy and are not actual­ly inte­res­ted in the pri­va­te secu­ri­ty sec­tor at all. But even if the par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on its­elf is of their own accord: The exami­na­ti­on is often not seen as an oppor­tu­ni­ty but as a neces­sa­ry evil. Lack of moti­va­ti­on and inte­rest, howe­ver, are dia­me­tri­cal­ly oppo­sed to exam success.
  2. No suf­fi­ci­ent pre­pa­ra­ti­on of the content
    Some peo­p­le take the exam light­ly. Mul­ti­ple-choice ques­ti­ons with pre-set ans­wers to tick off and only 50% neces­sa­ry cor­rect ans­wers to pass — what could go wrong, you ask yours­elf. But far from it. The legal topics in par­ti­cu­lar are tough. In addi­ti­on, the­re is exci­te­ment, espe­ci­al­ly in the oral exam, and ques­ti­ons whe­re you may have to think a litt­le out­side the box. If you don’t have the neces­sa­ry know­ledge and thus the con­fi­dence to act, you will quick­ly be eli­mi­na­ted. Com­pre­hen­si­ve pre­pa­ra­ti­on is the be-all and end-all for exam success!
  3. Insuf­fi­ci­ent know­ledge of German
    A lot has alre­a­dy been asked and said about Ger­man lan­guage skills. One thing is cer­tain: many peo­p­le who work in the secu­ri­ty sec­tor are not nati­ve spea­k­ers of Ger­man. Mul­ti­l­in­gua­lism is often important for the job, but so is suf­fi­ci­ent know­ledge of Ger­man. This is becau­se the exami­na­ti­on is offe­red exclu­si­ve­ly in Ger­man and you must also be able to com­mu­ni­ca­te con­fi­dent­ly in Ger­man in your ever­y­day work as a secu­ri­ty guard. Legal texts are writ­ten in dif­fi­cult lan­guage, “offi­ci­a­le­se” is usual­ly just as dif­fi­cult to under­stand, and the exam ques­ti­ons some­ti­mes depend on indi­vi­du­al words that can chan­ge the mea­ning in one direc­tion or ano­ther or pro­vi­de hints for solutions.
  4. Struc­tu­re and man­ner of the exami­na­ti­on are unclear
    Many peo­p­le are not com­ple­te­ly clear about the frame­work con­di­ti­ons of the exam. But only if you know which topics are important and how, and how the exam is struc­tu­red, can you prepa­re for it spe­ci­fi­cal­ly and effi­ci­ent­ly. For exam­p­le, the­re are topics that you can quick­ly get over, which can usual­ly be ans­we­red with com­mon sen­se. Some topics, on the other hand, count twice and some requi­re more inten­si­ve stu­dy. In addi­ti­on, the­re are empi­ri­cal values for the oral exami­na­ti­on and tac­ti­cal tips for working through test ques­ti­ons, which should be con­vey­ed by a com­pe­tent lec­tu­rer or aut­hor, for example.
  5. Dif­fi­cult indi­vi­du­al conditions
    Of cour­se, peo­p­le are dif­fe­rent. Ever­yo­ne has dif­fe­rent per­so­nal pre­re­qui­si­tes and the gene­ral con­di­ti­ons (e.g. fami­ly obli­ga­ti­ons, free time for lear­ning, lear­ning envi­ron­ment, etc.) also play a signi­fi­cant role in suc­cess and fail­ure. You may also know peo­p­le who can memo­ri­se things with a “quick glan­ce” and recall this know­ledge at the snap of a fin­ger. Others, on the other hand, find this signi­fi­cant­ly more dif­fi­cult. Some peo­p­le also have no pro­blem at all spea­king in front of others in an exam situa­ti­on, most are natu­ral­ly ten­se, some par­ti­ci­pan­ts suf­fer down­right from exam anxiety.

Ask yours­elf to what ext­ent the points abo­ve app­ly to you, how you can avo­id mista­kes in your pre­pa­ra­ti­on and com­pen­sa­te for any defi­ci­ts. You can find more infor­ma­ti­on on this right here in the sub­ject know­ledge infor­ma­ti­on por­tal num­e­rous tips and Links to other sites or media such as You­Tube.

The latest book tips for the 34a:

Is self-defence also pos­si­ble in cases of theft or trespass?

Is self-defence also possible in cases of theft or trespass?

Self-defence is that defence which is neces­sa­ry to avert a pre­sent unlawful attack against ones­elf or another.

Self-defence is a clas­sic in the area of the exami­na­ti­on of expert know­ledge — and of cour­se also ele­men­ta­ry for pro­fes­sio­nal practice!

We encoun­ter self-defence in three laws at once, name­ly in § 32 StGB, in § 227 BGB and also in the Act on Admi­nis­tra­ti­ve Offen­ces in § 15 OWiG.
In today’s artic­le, howe­ver, I am not direct­ly con­cer­ned with self-defence as a jus­ti­fi­ca­ti­on and its indi­vi­du­al ele­ments. When you can invo­ke self-defence, i.e. phy­si­cal­ly attack someone wit­hout making yours­elf lia­ble to pro­se­cu­ti­on, is descri­bed in detail in the text of the law. When pre­pa­ring for the 34a exami­na­ti­on in cour­ses or books, the para­graph on self-defence is always descri­bed in detail and with illus­tra­ti­ve examples.

One punch, one attack! Defend yours­elf, self-defence! All right?

In the exami­na­ti­on of exper­ti­se in the guar­ding trade accor­ding to § 34a of the GewO, at least one ques­ti­on is almost always aimed at self-defence, e.g. at the pre­con­di­ti­ons when one is allo­wed to act in self-defence at all. Self-defence is an important jus­ti­fi­ca­ti­on for taking action against atta­ckers wit­hout making ones­elf lia­ble to pro­se­cu­ti­on. Becau­se self-defence is an “everyman’s right”, any per­son may invo­ke it, inclu­ding secu­ri­ty guards, of cour­se, pro­vi­ded that the con­di­ti­ons for self-defence are met. If the door­man is sud­den­ly atta­cked with his fist in vio­la­ti­on of the law, he may defend hims­elf against the atta­cker. He is not lia­ble to pro­se­cu­ti­on, even if the atta­cker suf­fers inju­ries and (hop­eful­ly) loses out. So far so clear. But:

What about theft or trespass?

Theft or tres­pas­sing also con­sti­tu­te an unlawful attack, name­ly on the legal right to pro­per­ty or the right of domic­i­le. In the­se examp­les, it is cer­tain­ly per­mis­si­ble to defend ones­elf and to use force to repel the attack! Howe­ver, the pro­por­tio­na­li­ty and the means used for defence must always be considered.

Which legal inte­rests are capa­ble of self-defence at all?

Many lear­ners mista­ken­ly assu­me that one may only ever use force in self-defence in the case of a phy­si­cal attack on ones­elf (self-defence) or on ano­ther per­son (emer­gen­cy assis­tance). But this is wrong! In prin­ci­ple, any (indi­vi­du­al) legal inte­rest is capa­ble of self-defence. In addi­ti­on to life, limb and health, this also includes pro­per­ty, honour, assets (etc.) of a person. 

Are the­re curr­ent­ly any exami­na­ti­ons at the Cham­ber of Indus­try and Com­mer­ce becau­se of Corona?

Are there currently any examinations at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce because of Corona?

Whe­ther pan­de­mic-rela­ted 34a exams are curr­ent­ly being con­duc­ted is a hot question

As things stand, the Cham­bers of Indus­try and Com­mer­ce (IHK’s) are try­ing to stick to the exis­ting dates for exami­na­ti­ons. Yes! The exams usual­ly take place. Howe­ver, the­re can be devia­ti­ons, becau­se in prin­ci­ple each cham­ber can deci­de for its­elf whe­ther an exami­na­ti­on is car­ri­ed out, can­cel­led wit­hout repla­ce­ment or post­po­ned. In the case of the cur­rent coro­na cri­sis, this also depends on the regio­nal inci­dence value, the cur­rent legal requi­re­ments and poli­ti­cal decisions.

Pan­de­mic plans/hygiene con­cepts and spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons of the IHK

Most cham­bers have hygie­ne con­cepts that spe­ci­fy the con­di­ti­ons under which exami­na­ti­ons can be car­ri­ed out.
For many cham­bers, the fol­lo­wing rules app­ly (wit­hout guarantee):

Up-to-date infor­ma­ti­on!

Fur­ther appli­es: It is best to find out direct­ly from the exami­ning IHK what you have to obser­ve — whe­ther, for exam­p­le, a medi­cal cer­ti­fi­ca­te must be sub­mit­ted or whe­ther chan­ges have occur­red at short noti­ce. The web­site of the respec­ti­ve IHK (key­word News / Coro­na) quick­ly pro­vi­des sub­stan­ti­al infor­ma­ti­on here.

How long should I prepa­re for the expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on (§ 34a GewO)?

How long should I prepare for the expert knowledge examination (§ 34a GewO)?

The cru­cial ques­ti­on in the field of sub­ject mat­ter pre­pa­ra­ti­on: How long to learn, how much to practise?

The ques­ti­on about pre­pa­ra­ti­on time is tru­ly a clas­sic ques­ti­on that I get asked again and again. But the­re is no one-size-fits-all ans­wer to this.

The ans­wer is: it depends!

The­re are a num­ber of fac­tors that influence the length of pre­pa­ra­ti­on. One major one is the lear­ner himself/herself, others are the lear­ning envi­ron­ment and con­di­ti­ons, and the way one pre­pa­res. Here some expe­ri­encewhich may of cour­se dif­fer in indi­vi­du­al cases:

Best Prac­ti­ce: My recom­men­da­ti­on for pre­pa­ra­ti­on on the side

If you would like to prepa­re for the expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on on the side within one or two months and safe­ly achie­ve your § 34a cer­ti­fi­ca­te, the fol­lo­wing has pro­ven its­elf fol­lo­wing lear­ning tac­tics proven:
Stu­dy with your lear­ning mate­ri­al for 1–2 hours every day. On weekends, stu­dy one day, for a total of at least 8 hours very inten­si­ve­ly — inclu­ding working on test ques­ti­ons. (If you work on weekends, then take ano­ther day off as a weekly inten­si­ve lear­ning day). At the end of each lear­ning pha­se, do some mock exams to check your lear­ning level (lear­ning tar­get check). Are­as in which you are not yet pro­fi­ci­ent enough should be stu­di­ed more inten­si­ve­ly on the fol­lo­wing days. Keep doing this until you achie­ve cor­rect solu­ti­ons in the sta­ble 90% mock exams. Then you should be fit for the exam. You can find more tips — also for pre­pa­ring for the oral exam — at

Is it pos­si­ble to take the exami­na­ti­on in ano­ther language?

Is it possible to take the examination in another language?

No. Taking the 34a exam is only pos­si­ble in German.

Secu­ri­ty exper­ti­se test soon to be in Rus­si­an, Ara­bic or English

I have often been asked whe­ther the expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on accor­ding to § 34a GewO can also be taken in ano­ther lan­guage — as is the case with the dri­ving licence exami­na­ti­on, which in Ger­ma­ny is also con­duc­ted in Eng­lish, French, Greek, Ita­li­an, Croa­ti­an, Polish, Por­tu­gue­se, Roma­ni­an, Rus­si­an, Spa­nish and Tur­ki­sh, among other lan­guages. This is not pos­si­ble in the case of the expert know­ledge examination!
And in my opi­ni­on, that is a good thing. While the rules in road traf­fic are quite simi­lar in the EU, e.g. as far as the appearance and mea­ning of traf­fic signs are con­cer­ned, it is more deli­ca­te in the area of pri­va­te secu­ri­ty. On the one hand, you have to be able to navi­ga­te very safe­ly through the legal norms here, i.e. you have to know the rele­vant laws and regu­la­ti­ons of the coun­try in detail. For ano­ther, you are always deal­ing direct­ly with peo­p­le and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is an essen­ti­al fac­tor in deal­ing with others, e.g. in de-escala­ti­on. Quite apart from the fact that Ger­man legal texts are some­ti­mes dif­fi­cult to under­stand lin­gu­i­sti­cal­ly, the lan­guage also has its subt­le­ties in prac­ti­ce. It the­r­e­fo­re defi­ni­te­ly makes sen­se to be able to com­mu­ni­ca­te in the lan­guage of the coun­try whe­re you do your work. Of cour­se, for­eign lan­guage skills are also very important, if you think of events with an inter­na­tio­nal audi­ence, e.g. fes­ti­vals or fairs. Mul­ti­l­in­gua­lism is a gre­at advan­ta­ge in the secu­ri­ty industry.


Do I need pro­of for the IHK that I speak Ger­man well enough?

Ger­man lan­guage, dif­fi­cult lan­guage — is a well-known state­ment. Expe­ri­ence has shown that non-nati­ve spea­k­ers have a par­ti­cu­lar­ly hard time pas­sing the expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on accor­ding to § 34a GewO at the first attempt. One reason for this is that the exami­na­ti­on ques­ti­ons are often not easy to under­stand. The­r­e­fo­re, on the one hand, one should prepa­re well for the exam in terms of con­tent, and on the other hand, one should have a cer­tain amount of lan­guage skills from ever­y­day life as well as from tech­ni­cal lan­guage (legal terms, tech­ni­cal terms from the field of secu­ri­ty, etc.). So far, lan­guage skills are not a pre­re­qui­si­te for admis­si­on.. This means that you do not need to pre­sent a lan­guage cer­ti­fi­ca­te or simi­lar pro­of in order to be allo­wed to take part in the expert know­ledge examination.


Help for for­eign-lan­guage sub­ject mat­ter participants

If you are new to Ger­ma­ny and don’t speak Ger­man very well yet, taking a lan­guage cour­se defi­ni­te­ly makes sen­se, also to prepa­re for the IHK exami­na­ti­on. Often, adult edu­ca­ti­on cen­tres (VHS) offer lan­guage cour­ses. The Fede­ral Office for Migra­ti­on and Refu­gees (BAMF) also pro­mo­tes par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in lan­guage or inte­gra­ti­on cour­ses. In addi­ti­on, lear­ning apps and of cour­se using the Ger­man lan­guage in ever­y­day life can be very hel­pful. Lexi­cons with tech­ni­cal terms for the secu­ri­ty sec­tor are com­mer­ci­al­ly available.

Can a thief be the owner of some­thing stolen?

Can a thief be the owner of something stolen?

Again and again I am asked ques­ti­ons about the con­tent of the examination.

From now on, I will also occa­sio­nal­ly go into more detail on fre­quent­ly asked ques­ti­ons about the exam topics in the blog, espe­ci­al­ly tho­se that cau­se con­fu­si­on for many par­ti­ci­pan­ts time and again.
Just recent­ly, I recei­ved an enquiry from a lear­ner who wan­ted to use the Sub­ject mat­ter lear­ning por­tal pre­pared for the 34a exam online. He told me that the­re was sup­po­sedly an error in the test ques­ti­ons on the portal:

“When someone ste­als some­thing, they have sto­len it from someone else. The cor­rect ans­wer in the lear­ning por­tal is that the thief is then the owner of the thing. That can’t be right. How can a thief be the owner if he has taken some­thing from someone else against his will? That must be wrong!”


Let’s take a brief look at the facts under cri­mi­nal and civil law

First of all, when it comes to ans­we­ring the ques­ti­ons in the exami­na­ti­on, it is important to know whe­ther the ques­ti­on is about cri­mi­nal law or civil law — or both. Accor­din­gly, you have to look in par­ti­cu­lar at which offen­ces from the Cri­mi­nal Code (StGB) and/or the Ger­man Civil Code (BGB) apply.

If you look in the Cri­mi­nal Code under § 242 theft and looks at the facts descri­bed, one quick­ly rea­li­ses that this appli­es to the facts of the case. A per­son takes a mova­ble thing from ano­ther per­son wit­hout being allo­wed to do so, in order to appro­pria­te it for hims­elf. The thief wants to keep the sto­len goods for hims­elf. He acts unlawfully.
Howe­ver, not­hing can be found at this point on the key­words Owner­ship or pos­ses­si­on — You have to look at the BGB for that.

In the BGB, in § 854 Acqui­si­ti­on of pos­ses­si­on sti­pu­la­tes that the owner is the one who has the actu­al power over the thing has. And this brings us direct­ly back to the initi­al ques­ti­on: The The thief is the imme­dia­te owner of the sto­len thingbecau­se he exer­ci­s­es the actu­al power over the thing. He can, for exam­p­le, use the thing or move it to ano­ther place. It does not depend on the will to trans­fer, i.e. the thief beco­mes the owner, even if the pre­vious owner does not want this. Howe­ver, it is also the case that the Pos­ses­si­on of the thief defec­ti­ve is. The rightful owner has a cla­im becau­se of the depri­va­ti­on of pos­ses­si­on by the thief. Cla­im to regain his property.

In Ger­ma­ny, owner­ship is alre­a­dy gua­ran­teed by the Basic Law in Art. 14 pro­tec­ted — ever­yo­ne is allo­wed to acqui­re owner­ship of things them­sel­ves and the sta­te gua­ran­tees this right.
What is the situa­ti­on in the case descri­bed with regard to owner­ship? Does the thief also beco­me the owner of the thing? No!
While an owner has the actu­al power over a thing, the owner has the legal power. Owner and pos­ses­sor can be iden­ti­cal. For exam­p­le, if you buy a bag of rice in the super­mar­ket, you acqui­re owner­ship of the thing when you pay. At the same time, you are the owner of the bag of rice, becau­se you have the actu­al power over the thing. If you lend a neigh­bour your drill, then you remain the owner of the drill. Howe­ver, the neigh­bour beco­mes the owner and can use the dril­ling machi­ne to drill holes in the wall of his house as he pleases.
The The owner’s powers are defi­ned in § 903 BGB. regu­la­ted. In demar­ca­ti­on from the owner, the Owner not the actu­al power over a thing, but the legal aut­ho­ri­ty. If he is not the owner of the thing at the same time any­way, he can obtain from the owner of the thing, for exam­p­le, the Published so that the owner now also acqui­res the actu­al power (pos­ses­si­on) over the thing.

Brief­ly summarised

A thief is the owner of the sto­len thing as soon as he exer­ci­s­es actu­al power over the object. Howe­ver, pos­ses­si­on is dee­med to be defec­ti­ve. The ori­gi­nal owner or the owner has a cla­im for resti­tu­ti­on (pos­si­bly a cla­im for dama­ges) against the thief who unlawful­ly (in unlawful inter­fe­rence) has acted. Howe­ver, the thief is not the owner of the thing, sin­ce the sto­len object rightful­ly belongs to someone else.

Do you also have ques­ti­ons about the expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on accor­ding to § 34a GewO in guarding?

Then sim­ply post them in the forum:
Ano­ther rea­der or I as the aut­hor of this page can cer­tain­ly ans­wer your question.


By the way: If you are com­ple­te­ly Prepa­re com­pre­hen­si­ve­ly for the exami­na­ti­on and indi­vi­du­al ques­ti­ons ans­we­red com­pe­tent­ly at all times I can give you the eLear­ning at recom­mend. You can find in this Lear­ning por­tal rese­arch the ques­ti­ons alre­a­dy asked and ask your own ques­ti­ons wit­hout limit. The ques­ti­ons will be ans­we­red the­re in a time­ly man­ner by Spe­cia­list lec­tu­r­erswho are well ver­sed in the sub­ject matter!
