
34a-Pre­pa­ra­ti­on: Which form of tea­ching is best for you?

34a-Preparation: Which form of teaching is best for you?

Which form of tea­ching is best for you?

In the fol­lo­wing artic­le, I would like to sug­gest the various lear­ning opti­ons, with their advan­ta­ges and dis­ad­van­ta­ges, for pre­pa­ring for the Sach­kunde­prüf­ung § 34a GewO — a guest artic­le by The Safe­ty Guru.

Fron­tal teaching

Clas­ses are held in an aca­de­my, usual­ly on a full-day basis.
In a struc­tu­red class­room envi­ron­ment, a lear­ning situa­ti­on is crea­ted for the stu­dents in which a lec­tu­rer takes on the role of a know­ledge bro­ker. The tea­cher can use dif­fe­rent lear­ning methods to faci­li­ta­te the stu­dents’ lear­ning. The­se may include lec­tures, dis­cus­sions, group work, demons­tra­ti­ons or expe­ri­ments. In class, stu­dents can also ask ques­ti­ons direct­ly and recei­ve feed­back from the lec­tu­rer or class­ma­tes, which impro­ves under­stan­ding of the lear­ning mate­ri­al. Clas­ses can also pro­vi­de oppor­tu­ni­ties to fos­ter social skills and col­la­bo­ra­ti­on as stu­dents work and learn together.

Online les­sons

Online tea­ching is simi­lar to tra­di­tio­nal tea­ching, but it takes place over the inter­net. The lec­tu­rer uses various digi­tal tools to faci­li­ta­te the stu­dents’ lear­ning. Examp­les of digi­tal tools can be: video and audio chat, online cour­ses, lear­ning plat­forms, vir­tu­al class­rooms or e‑learning modu­les. Online tea­ching can be par­ti­cu­lar­ly advan­ta­ge­ous in today’s world, as it offers the pos­si­bi­li­ty to con­ti­nue tea­ching even in times of pan­de­mics or other cir­cum­s­tances that affect nor­mal tea­ching. Ano­ther advan­ta­ge of online tea­ching is that stu­dents can learn from any­whe­re as long as they have an inter­net con­nec­tion. And also like face-to-face clas­ses, stu­dents can ask ques­ti­ons and get feed­back from the ins­truc­tor or class­ma­tes, which can impro­ve their under­stan­ding of the lear­ning material.

Self-lear­ning with book and You­Tube videos

Self-lear­ner with book and You­Tube vide­os are peo­p­le who learn inde­pendent­ly by obtai­ning infor­ma­ti­on from books or vide­os on the inter­net. This form of lear­ning is less struc­tu­red and requi­res more disci­pli­ne and initia­ti­ve from the lear­ners. Unli­ke class­room or online lear­ning, self-lear­ners have the free­dom to set their own pace and choo­se the con­tent of the lear­ning mate­ri­al. Howe­ver, the­re is also a risk that self-lear­ners may have dif­fi­cul­ty achie­ving their lear­ning goals due to a lack of struc­tu­re and gui­dance. Lear­ners need to moti­va­te and disci­pli­ne them­sel­ves to learn con­ti­nuous­ly. It is also more dif­fi­cult to ask ques­ti­ons and recei­ve feed­back becau­se the­re is no direct cont­act with a tea­cher or other learners.

Advan­ta­ges and disadvantages

Over­all, all three forms of lear­ning — face-to-face tea­ching, online tea­ching and self-lear­ning with books and You­Tube vide­os — have advan­ta­ges and disadvantages:

Fron­tal teaching



Online les­sons



Self-lear­ning with books and You­Tube videos




Over­all, it is important to note that none of the lear­ning styl­es are per­fect and it depends on which lear­ning style best suits the learner’s indi­vi­du­al needs and pre­fe­ren­ces.
Fur­ther­mo­re, the dif­fe­rent lear­ning styl­es can of cour­se be com­bi­ned with each other. Espe­ci­al­ly the pos­si­bi­li­ty to use You­Tube vide­os as a sup­ple­ment for any kind of lear­ning is very good. And here my recom­men­da­ti­on lies on the You­Tube vide­os of the SecurityGuru34a. The­se vide­os are cle­ar­ly struc­tu­red, infor­ma­ti­ve, easy to under­stand and the­r­e­fo­re very hel­pful. With the help of the­se vide­os, one can learn at one’s own pace and deepen con­tent that was not so well con­vey­ed in class.
The­re is com­ple­te les­sons and Sam­ple exams with expl­ana­ti­ons of the ques­ti­ons and answers.

I hope that with this artic­le I have been able to give you an under­stan­ding of the dif­fe­rent lear­ning methods and that you will find the right method for you.
